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public static ISqlQuery ToInsertQuery(this T item, IDataProvider provider) where T: class, new() { Type type = typeof(T); ITable tbl = provider.FindOrCreateTable (); Insert query = null; if (tbl != null) { Dictionary hashed = item.ToDictionary(); query = new Insert(provider).Into (tbl); foreach (string key in hashed.Keys) { IColumn col = tbl.GetColumn(key); if ((col != null) && !(col.AutoIncrement || col.IsReadOnly)) { query.Value(col.QualifiedName, hashed[key], col.DataType); } } } return query;
if ((column != null) && !column.AutoIncrement && !column.IsReadOnly)
public static ISqlQuery ToInsertQueryHmm, the problem is already sorted out. The questioner is also using dll from some old build. I compiled, added reference and re-ran the test code. No luck. It confronted me with same error. I put break point at save statement to delve deeper. The column was never set as ReadOnly :((this T item, IDataProvider provider) where T : class, new() { Type type = typeof(T); ITable tbl = provider.FindOrCreateTable (); Insert query = null; if(tbl != null) { var hashed = item.ToDictionary(); query = new Insert(provider).Into (tbl); foreach(string key in hashed.Keys) { IColumn col = tbl.GetColumn(key); if(col != null) { if(!col.AutoIncrement && !col.IsReadOnly) query.Value(col.QualifiedName, hashed[key], col.DataType); } } } return query; }
public class TestTimeStampTable: DatabaseTable { public TestTimeStampTable(IDataProvider provider):base("TestTimeStamp",provider){ ClassName = "TestTimeStamp"; SchemaName = "dbo"; ……………… ……………… Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("RowVersion", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Binary, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false }); }
<# foreach(var col in tbl.Columns){#> Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("<#=col.Name#>", this) { IsPrimaryKey = <#=col.IsPK.ToString().ToLower()#>, DataType = DbType.<#=col.DbType.ToString()#>, IsNullable = <#=col.IsNullable.ToString().ToLower()#>, AutoIncrement = <#=col.AutoIncrement.ToString().ToLower()#>, IsForeignKey = <#=col.IsForeignKey.ToString().ToLower()#> }); <# }#>
IsReadOnly = <#=col.DataType.ToLower().Equals("timestamp").ToString().ToLower() #>
Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("RowVersion", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Binary, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, IsReadOnly = true });
Select * From TestTimeStamp
RowID | RowDescription | RowVersion |
-------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------ |
1 | Hello world! | 0x00000000000007D1 |
2 | Hello world, Again! | 0x00000000000007D2 |
(2 row(s) affected) |